Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ada Pradhaman


Ada 1 cup 

Jaggery 400 gm 
Cashew nuts 10 
Coconut 1st milk 2 cups 
Coconut 2nd milk 3 cups 
Cardamom 8 
Rasins 10 
Ghee 1 tsp 


Wash and cook ada in hot water and strain and leave it aside. Then melt jaggery in luke warm water. Dissolve and strain it. Now add the cooked ada and jaggery in a heavy bottomed pan and place it on medium flame. Allow it to cook well until the sweetness of the jaggery gets into the ada. After this is done well add the 2nd milk and let it boil till it is reduced to one third of the quantity. Now add the thick milk and do not boil, but heat it and remove from fire. 

In a Pan heat the ghee and fry the cashews, rasins and cardamom and add it to the pradhaman. Serve hot. 

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